Actuarial Development Internship Program Review Lincoln Financial Group

Lincoln Financial Group Overview

Founded in 1905 with the endorsement of Abraham Lincoln'due south son, Robert Todd Lincoln, Lincoln Financial Group is the first and only company to carry Abraham Lincoln's name, image and ideals at the centre of their brand. For more a century, they have advanced President Lincoln's inclusive vision and values by edifice an honest, undecayed financial services company. They are dedicated to helping Americans secure better, more optimistic futures for themselves and their loved ones.

The staff at Lincoln Financial Grouping come from unusually diverse demographic backgrounds. The visitor is fifty.4% female person and 35.2% ethnic minorities. The variety in Lincoln Financial Grouping employees extends to employee political beliefs. Its employees are politically diverse and represent a balanced blend of political orientations, with 51.ii% Democrats and 48.3% Republicans. Despite their political differences, employees at Lincoln Financial Grouping seem to exist happy. The company has great employee memory with staff members usually staying for 4.eight years. The average employee at Lincoln Financial Group makes $61,468 per year. Pay at Lincoln Financial Group is significantly lower than some of its highest paying competitors, like Oaktree Capital Management, Citigroup, and American International Grouping, which pay $92,488, $81,932, and $81,884, respectively.

Based in Pennsylvania, Lincoln Financial Grouping is a key role player in the finance industry with ix,047 employees and an annual revenue of $sixteen.4B.

The Organization's Mission

Dedicated to helping Americans secure better, more than optimistic futures for themselves and their loved ones.


Financial Planner

Lincoln Financial Grouping Employee Reviews

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The Team At Lincoln Financial Group

Lincoln Financial Group Salaries

How much does Lincoln Financial Group pay?

The national average salary for a Lincoln Financial Group employee in the Us is $61,468 per twelvemonth. Employees in the top 10 percentage tin can make over $115,000 per yr, while employees at the bottom ten percent earn less than $32,000 per year.

Boilerplate Employee Earnings

Lincoln Fiscal Group Salaries Past Job Championship

While Lincoln Fiscal Group employees earn an average yearly salary of $61,468, different roles can command unlike wages. Some of the positions that earn high wages at Lincoln Financial Group include Regional Vice President, SQL Database Administrator, Senior Technician Specialist, and Regional Marketing Director. A worker with the title Regional Vice President salary at Lincoln Financial Group can earn an average yearly salary of $136,414. Some of the other roles at Lincoln Financial Group are Cashier and Customer Service Representative. A worker with the title Cashier at Lincoln Fiscal Group earns an average bacon of $28,016 per year.

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Lincoln Financial Group Careers

On average, employees at Lincoln Fiscal Group stay with the company for 4.8 years. Employees most unremarkably join Lincoln Financial Group after leaving Bank of America. When they leave Lincoln Financial Grouping, they most frequently go their adjacent job at Wells Fargo.

Average Length of Employment

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Peak Employers Afterwards Lincoln Fiscal Group

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Nosotros calculated the diversity score of companies past measuring multiple factors, including the ethnic background, gender identity, and language skills of their workforce.

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Lincoln Financial Group Employee Political Affiliation

Lincoln Fiscal Grouping employees are nigh likely to be members of the Democratic Party. The largest donation fabricated to a political political party by a Lincoln Financial Group employee was past Dennis Glass. Dennis Glass donated $18,200 to the Democratic Party.

Employee Political Donations

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Lincoln Financial Group Employment Videos

Lincoln Financial Group Financial Performance

We calculated the performance score of companies by measuring multiple factors, including revenue, longevity, and stock market performance.

How Would You Rate The Visitor Culture Of Lincoln Fiscal Group?

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Lincoln Financial Group Competitors

Based on our enquiry, similar companies to Lincoln Financial Group are Oaktree Capital Management, Citigroup, and American International Group. The average salaries at Oaktree Capital Direction rank the highest, with their employees earning an boilerplate bacon of $92,488 per year. The salaries at Citigroup average $81,932 per year, and the salaries at American International Grouping come up in at $81,884 per year.

Often Asked Questions nigh Lincoln Fiscal Grouping

When was Lincoln Financial Group founded?

Lincoln Financial Group was founded in 1905.

How many Employees does Lincoln Fiscal Group accept?

Lincoln Financial Group has 9,047 employees.

How much money does Lincoln Financial Grouping brand?

Lincoln Financial Group generates $xvi.4B in revenue.

What industry is Lincoln Financial Group in?

Lincoln Financial Group is in the fiscal planner industry.

What is Lincoln Fiscal Group'due south mission?

Lincoln Financial Group'due south mission statement is "Dedicated to helping Americans secure better, more optimistic futures for themselves and their loved ones."

What type of company is Lincoln Financial Group?

Lincoln Financial Group is a public visitor.

Who are Lincoln Financial Group'southward competitors?

Lincoln Financial Group competitors include Citigroup, Legg Mason, Ally Financial, KeyBank, Berkshire Hathaway, Oaktree Capital Direction, M&T Bank, Protective Life, Huntington Bancshares, Prudential Financial, MetLife, Northwestern Common, Unum, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance ..., American International Group, Ameriprise Financial, Genworth Financial, Principal Financial Group, New York Life Insurance, Mutual of Omaha.

Who works at Lincoln Financial Group?

Dennis R. Glass (President and CEO)

Perry Randall (Founder)

Are You An Executive, 60 minutes Leader, Or Brand Manager At Lincoln Financial Group?

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Zippia gives an in-depth expect into the details of Lincoln Financial Group, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in society to inform job seekers about Lincoln Fiscal Group. The employee data is based on information from people who take self-reported their by or electric current employments at Lincoln Financial Grouping. While nosotros accept made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the employ of this information. The data presented on this folio does not correspond the view of Lincoln Financial Group and its employees or that of Zippia.

Lincoln Financial Group may also be known as or exist related to Lincoln Financial, Lincoln Financial Group and Lincoln National Corporation.


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